Guide BT

From wikiNonStop

Guide to kill the bear

When you call a rally, both your hero expedition skills and your own buffs (from technology, pets, etc.) will apply to every troop that joins the rally. So for bear hunt it is important that you choose jeroes that will give the highest damage buff because this will then apply to every single person who joins your rally.

Depending on your levels the best combination of heroes may be different for everybody, but you should be choosing from the below list as these are the heroes with expedition skills that can boost damage.

The best heroes to call a rally with the bear are: Molly, Natalya, Bahiti, Flint, Alonso, Jeronimo, Zinman

When you join a rally, it is easiest to adjust heroes first, and then equalize your troops! Your troops will be affected by the hero expediton skill and buffs of the person who has called the rally.

The only other thing that should impact the damage that you do as part of this rally is the 4 highest-level "First" expedition skills coming from the first hero  (your Captains) that each person sends as part of their troops.This would be the expedition skill at the very top, and the game will use the 4 skills with the highest skill level. Also, the heroes that you have in the 2nd and 3rd spot when you are joining a rally are not very important so feel free to use anyone you want there.

Best heros to have in your first slot to join a rally for the bear are: Jessie, Jasser, Seo-Yoon, Jeronimo.

Additionally please also check this guide which has heroes from seasons too: [1]


R4-1 R4-2 R4-3 R4-4 R4-5 R4-6 R4-7 R4-8 R4-9 R4-A
R4-Ä R3-1 R3-2 R3-3 R3-4 R3-5 R3-6 R3-7 R3-8 R4-B
R4-Z R3-S R2-1 R2-2 R2-3 R2-4 R2-5 R2-6 R3-9 R4-C
R4-Y R3-R R2-K R1-1 R1-2 R1-3 R1-4 R2-7 R3-A R4-D
R4-X R3-Q R2-J R1C Bear Trap R1-5 R2-8 R3-B R4-E
R4-W R3-P R2-I R1-B R1-6 R2-9 R3-C R4-F
R4-V R3-O R2-H R1-A R1-9 R1-8 R1-7 R2-A R3-D R4-G
R4-U R3-N R2-G R2-F R2-E R2-D R2-C R2-B R3-E R4-H
R4-T R3-M R3-L R3-K R3-J R3-I R3-H R3-G R3-F R4-I
R4-S R4-R R4-Q R4-P R4-O R4-N R4-M R4-L R4-K R4-J

Please Note: the bear trap is actually sized 3x3 tiles