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From wikiNonStop
<translate> Available from <tvar name=1><translate> version <tvar </tvar></translate>
Used to add some final processing to the fully-rendered page output
<translate> Define function:</translate>
public static function onParserAfterTidy( Parser $parser, &$text ) { ... }
<translate> Attach hook:</translate> <translate> In <tvar name=1>extension.json</tvar>:</translate>
	"Hooks": {
		"ParserAfterTidy": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\MyExtension\\Hooks::onParserAfterTidy"
<translate> Called from:</translate> <translate> File(s):</translate> parser/Parser.php
<translate> Interface:</translate> ParserAfterTidyHook.php

<translate> For more information about attaching hooks, see <tvar name=1>Manual:Hooks </tvar>.</translate>
<translate> For examples of extensions using this hook, see <tvar name=cat>Category:ParserAfterTidy extensions</tvar>.</translate>


  • $parser: Parser object. Can be used to manually parse a portion of wiki text from the $text.
  • &$text: Represents the text for page.

This hook is commonly used to re-introduce content that was earlier embedded by an extension during page rendering, either encoded or represented by a marker, by searching for it and replacing it with HTML content. Such a technique allows MediaWiki extensions to output HTML that isn't mangled by the parser, e.g., blacklisted HTML tags. See tag extension example

See also