Guide Abbreviations

From wikiNonStop


Common Internet Abbreviations
Short actual meaning
CU see you
BRB be right back
BBL Be Back Later
LOL laughing out lound
ROTFL rolling on the floor, laughing
PLONK please list on killfile
IDK I don't know
FYI For your Information
NW no worries
NP no problem(s)
AFAIK as far as i know
BFF best friends forever
AYO are you ok
IK i know
YOLO You only live once
IMO in my opinon
TTYL talk to you later
LMK Let me know
SMH shaking my head
EG evil grin
OMG oh my god
TTFN ta ta for now
LMAO laughing my ass off
GTG got to go
RTFM read the fucking manual
ETA estimated time of arrival
F# furnace #
T# troops #
E# embassy #
CC# command centre #
SH# store house #
CH chief hut n/a
BT bear trap n/a
HQ head quarter n/a
TF# footmen #
TL# lancers #
TM marksmen #
I# infirmary #


Keyboard Meaning
🙂 :-) Happy Smiley
🙁 :-( Sad Smiley